Friday, June 29, 2012

Yeni Kitaplar

Wacquant'ın Kent Paryaları BounPress'ten çıktı (Alim Arlı'nın kitap yazısı kıps) bu kitaba güzel bir kat çıkılmış

Benedict Anderson dünyanın en garip ülkesi Tayland'da başından geçen bir olaya deneme düzmüş, bakılabilir. Comaroff kafası geldi biraz, seviyoruz kargo kültünü, gökten zembille gelen kapitalizmi

Gelelim heyecanla beklediğimiz bir etnografiye. arka kapakta balibar, jane schneider ve yanagisako'nun şukuları var. Kapitalizm ve ahlak meselesine dalan kardeşim andrea, daha önceden duyurduğum burdiyoyu tefe koyup oynatmak-oriented kötü amaçlarım için tam bir müttefik. transparency'yi gösterecem ben sana.

Etienne Balibar, University of California, Irvine“In a book that is both carefully documented and beautifully conceptualized, Andrea Muehlebach has explored a question of great relevance for contemporary debates about the forms of governmentality and subjectivation associated with the rise of neoliberalism: the new ‘ethical citizenship,’ which substitutes public systems of social security with voluntary forms of collective caretaking. Running contrary to some influential recent analyses of ‘self-entrepreneurship’ as a modality of voluntary servitude in a society entirely governed by market rules, she does not, however, contribute to the complacent image of the new mass consumption society. Rather, she describes a social dynamic of great indetermination, both ethically and politically.

Her inquiry, focusing on a famous working class municipality in the periphery of Milan, where catholic and communist solidarities are now assuming new functions, also provides a fascinating insight into the history of contemporary Italy, explaining why it remains a ‘laboratory’ of social change which has world-wide significance.”

''Vahşeti Fotoğraflamak'', Sontag'ın Fotoğraf Üzerine'siyle beraber düşünen makalelerden oluşuyor

şunu tezim için okumam lazım AMK 

Çok temiz okunmalı

Bruno Latour, Sciences Po Paris
“With The Romantic Machine, John Tresch fulfills the goal of most recent history of science: to show that when you follow scientific achievements you end up describing a whole culture, including its literature and arts. By proposing a new interpretation of post-Napoleonic Paris’s material culture, Tresch shows the fecundity of his notion of cosmogram as the foundation of a different historical anthropology, one that includes science and technology and is not led by any teleology toward ‘modernity.’ On the contrary, by reinterpreting romanticism, he shows how much we could learn from this early nineteenth century period for understanding our own contradictory cosmograms today.”

daha da var da yoruldum

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